Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Marketing 

In order to examine the effectiveness of online marketing in detail, we analyze the pros and cons. First, the merits of online marketing  Lee Doo-hee et al., op. cit. Looking
at pp.38
40, it is as follows.

Online Marketing


First, there is no space limitation, and you can receive orders from consumers around the world 24 hours a day, and you can advertise through search engines, electronic bulletin boards, or your own website.
Second, it is easy to access a target group that feels the most specific need, and Internet users can access a very narrow range of target groups through newsgroups or e-mail. In addition, users actively present their opinions on products or services they feel, so companies can form immediate feedback between consumers and companies by listening to consumers' opinions.
Third, an unlimited amount of advertisement using various multimedia technologies such as video, graphic, sound, and text is possible at a very low price compared to existing advertisement media, and information-type advertisement combining various information as well as corporate promotion and product advertisements are possible.
Fourth, two-way communication is possible. Through online chat, newsgroups, and e-mail, companies can provide product information, promotion information, etc. to consumers, and consumers can present their trust, preferences, or opinions on products provided by the company. Communication is possible.
Fifth, it is easy to measure advertisements. How many times a user has viewed the advertisement and how long they have been there being automatically measured. When these data are accumulated, they can become basic data for database marketing.


While it has the above advantages based on the characteristics of online, there are many problems in online marketing activities. Seo Young-ho, “E-commerce and Internet Utilization Strategy”, “Samsung Economy”, 1996. 12
are also included.
First, it is not suitable for mass marketing because the size of the customer group using the web is not large. Demographically, professionals, students, and businessmen are the mainstays of web searchers and they are not widely used by housewives and small and medium-sized merchants, whose purchasing power is generally considered large.
Second, in the early days of the Internet, small users and text-oriented information delivery and search enabled rapid business processing, but recently, users have exploded, and multimedia information such as voice and moving images as well as the text have become the mainstream. It also degrades.
In order for the Internet to attract more potential customers and activate marketing activities through the Internet, it will be possible only after bold investments in communication infrastructure such as an increase in the bandwidth of communication lines are made. It can be said that it depends on the introduction of appropriate information technology, commercialization strategies, systematic analysis of new purchasing methods of consumers, and efficient marketing strategies.