30 SEO Mistakes That Can Drop Your Website Ranking In 2020

SEO from the outside can hit you like a simple thing, but it's not honest. There are many things to do with different SEO factors, including quality backlinks, keywords, anchor text, and quality content. Still, you can make some 30 SEO mistakes 2020 among them:

30 SEO Mistakes 2020

1. Create low-quality content

In this era, the Internet does not forgive low-quality content. Lots of people have amazing things to say and share, and people can happily overlook low-quality content, even with famous brand titles. With your content, you need to keep it fresh, relevant, up-to-date, trendy, fun, informative, and timely for your audience.

2. Low speed

Slow speed is a killer. In the era of high technology, people's minds are tuned to expect everything right away. It takes more than 3 seconds to open the site, so it is ideal for users to wait too long.


Pro tip: you don't have to lose the whole Consider changing the way you work. Resize uploaded media, integrate browser caching, reduce plugins, widgets, and sidebars.

3. Do not optimize the image

Visual content is an enthusiastic social media platform that is of great help in attracting attention and engaging your audience. People are demanding more and more visual content. However, if you don't optimize it properly, you will lose Google's proper indexing and ranking for all your content.


Images aren't that important, so you can rank them, so you should have some information about the caption, image description, and Alt text. The goal is to give people detailed information about visual content.

4. Don't do keyword research

In 30 SEO mistakes 2020 There's a reason why Serpbook has given its developers the best keyword ranking tracker on the market. Keyword research is the most important part of successful SEO. Most people don't overlook the importance of keyword research because they see the whole practice of blogging and SEO as simple.


Using a keyword search can seem useless because you have content to share for a while. Unfortunately, even if you have a fresh idea, even if your content doesn't match the needs of your target audience, you can still end up with the wrong target or wrong material about the target.



5. Keywords cow

Failing to do keyword research is one thing, but some webmasters have yet to find an ideal way to include keywords in text. No matter how long it takes to research good keywords for your content, there is no reason to carelessly add keywords to the platform.


Nowadays, it's not about getting search results for content that matches your keywords exactly, it doesn't mean getting results for content that best matches your search term.


6. Optimize multiple pages for the same keyword

You have to be as smart as you can't do without keywords. Optimizing more than one page with a single target keyword will result in poor ranking. First, it's highly competitive with Google's first page, and you always have to compete for whether the word you're targeting is less competitive.


But the main concern is selling yourself short. There are so many related keywords that you can target to reach more audiences than one set of keywords.


7. Short tail keyword optimization

Reusing keywords means you don't have to define yourself if you're always targeting short-tail keywords. Targeting phrases like'SEO technique' will lower your ranking. First of all, too much has been written on the subject, and much more is coming out.


The problem is that it is very competitive with the general target group, let alone the short tail term. People can find anything wide enough to render content not relevant to their search within a range of short-tail keywords.



8. Ignoring Competition

Your competitors may not be your friends, but that shouldn't make them your enemies. There is always something to learn in the field of SEO. Regardless of whether your competitors are performing better than you, the fact that your competitors are competing to stand out means they're doing the right thing. Spend time researching your competitors and choose what you can leverage for Google's better SERP.


9. Ignore internal connections

Just like relying on backlinks for link structure, you can't succeed in SEO without internal links. There are tons of articles in the archives of the sites of people who don't seem to use internal links.


When people review articles and Google crawls your site, you have to spend more than just the words you write. Connect to more work through internal links.

 30 SEO Mistakes 2020

10. Poor quality backlinks

The presence of backlinks has to do with your overall success in your SEO strategy. The amount of these backlinks means that it took a significant amount of time to enrich the content with more value from external sources. This increases your reputation as a brand. But when buying a link people don't realize that it's not what matters, it's quality.


Some of the sites where you buy links are spam and have nothing to do with your process as a brand. Most of your target audience may not notice this, but Google does. Worse, you get a penalty instead of increasing your ranking.


11. Social silence

Social networking makes up a significant portion of the total Internet population. If you are in society and your presence is not felt, you are going through your rankings. In fact, in addition to the hidden benefits of SEO, social signals are gaining more ground as a ranking factor.


Those who want to target their content are mostly hung up on social media platforms. The more you interact, the better you know your brand and the more content you want to consume.


12. Not promoting your content

In 30 SEO Mistakes 2020, What's a good thing about having quality content that no one can read? Traditional online is about promoting your brand by sharing content widely. Promoting your content requires aggression and dedication. Engaging actively in social media as a way to promote your content.

13. Unpredictable publication

Internet users are happy with the content they will consume and nothing more. People can use the Internet for news, trends, entertainment, shopping, and more. So, the value it has to offer when it comes to content is unpredictable.


In fact, the brands that have built publishing momentum with their audience are those with consistent publishing habits. In this way, you can build an educated readership so you can count on information for specific days or months. It also affects your ranking on Google a lot.


14. Ignore broken links

Broken links are part of a growing website. The chances of broken links keep increasing as you switch from one web page to more web pages. Links can break if you change the platform slightly. For example, if the website you connected to goes down, the link breaks. Also, if you did site maintenance at one point, many links break.


Pro tip: You can't control what happens on other sites, but you can control what happens on your own site. So, deliberately check your platform, check for broken links, and decide to fix it just before it becomes a big problem for ranking factors. Remember that user experience is always at risk with broken links.


15. Missing metadata

Metadata should not be ignored in SEO practice. Search engines crawl and provide additional information to help potential customers better understand what's relevant to your site. Also, it's not about having metadata, it's about calculating by the way you use it.


First, figure out your target keywords. Simply put, it introduces your brand to the world, so it must be original and original. It allows you to capture the essence of your brand with targeted keywords that reflect the topic in question.


16. Local Search Engine Optimization

Did you know that local SEO can help you overwhelm your competitors? The local market offers more advantages because it understands better than its competitors.


So if you're competing for a larger market space without optimizing your local audience, your ranking will be lower on Google. Assume that your local audience hasn't targeted any brand and use it to reach different populations.


17. Forgetting to update content

Content updating is still a home management' issue. It's more than proper SEO practice, creating quality content, and sharing it broadly with your target audience. Google is known to always prioritize blogs with high-quality content.


Even if you're someone posting quality content every time, you need to go back to your records and keep everything up to date.


The material you have on the platform from months and years ago deserves a fresh feel. Since evergreen content is gaining popularity in the blogging environment, updating content is one of the great ways to do this.


The quickest way to fix this is to do regular maintenance. This way you can do some of the previous work manually and refresh it. Or consider a tool like Google Search Console to help with auto-maintenance.

18. Duplicate Content

In fact, reposting someone else's work is plagiarism, which can lead to some copyright and legal issues. Overall, there is so much information to consume online that people don't have space to accommodate redundant information. If you're going through one of those days of lack of creativity, you're at risk for Google penalizing your site for content duplication.


Google as a whole prefers websites. Original and original content. If you want the information to be considered again, update it and then reshare it or repurpose it. A great way to repurpose information is through infographics, educational videos, and eBooks.


19. Article rotation

Except for duplicate content, article rotation is a serious mistake that can be punished by Google. If you take an article and spin it to find other content, not only does it reduce quality, it also makes your brand cheaper. Words can be written and arranged differently, but the quality does not improve in any way.

 30 SEO Mistakes 2020
20. Wrong URL

URLs are an ideal place for SEO and they can't hit you, but they will. Including underscores, symbols, uppercase letters, and irrelevant numbers can damage SEO. Ideally, there is a problem with the site's memory when people can't tell what's on my site from the URL. An example of a malformed URL is www.example.com/Gsd__f231.&%


21. Forget mobile

With the advent of mobile, mobile is unforgettable and we hope to survive. Mobile users are far more important than desktop users. Therefore, Google always prioritizes results for mobile users over desktop users.


Run mobile friendly tests with Google's tests and make sure your platform is right for you. Content, design, fonts, quantity, and quality should be provided equally to both mobile and desktop users.


22. Browser Incompatibility

I opened the site and found it to be incompatible with the browser. This can be very annoying. It's a different browser, though specific to using the browser to optimize Google as the top search engine. People prefer other browsers, and if you limit them to certain browsers you will lose a lot of users.


While most people seem to prefer Chrome, the fact that Google doesn't dominate the browser as a search engine changes everything. Firefox and Opera are so close that you don't need to lock down users when optimizing your target audience.


23. Ignore long-form content

In most cases, short-form content of fewer than 500 words is not the most attractive compared to long-form content. The time people spend on your platform to rank is important. It's a sign that people love what they enjoy on your platform, and you should give Google a high ranking.

Long format content gives you plenty of time and space to cover your keywords without having to fill them in. There is also a space for organizing your content with tables, charts, lists, pictures, H1 tags, and more. To play safely, specify 1000 – 2000 words in your article. The trick is to keep your attention and quality consistent so your audience can read it to the end.


24. Inconsistent Online Profile

A brand's survival is highly dependent on its ability to maintain a consistent and reputable image. In the digital space, every communication you send tells a lot about your brand. If your online information doesn't match, not only will you lose trust when it comes to being #1 in SERP, it's also irrelevant to Google. Google crawls millions of platforms to crawl information. That way, you have a consistent brand to showcase to the world.


25. Too many pop-up ads

In 30 SEO Mistakes, First of all, pop-up ads are not as effective as they used to be. Also, they can be very annoying, especially those that cover the entire screen. If you are considering mobile-first optimization, pop-up ads can be very irritating for users of mobile sites with small screen space.


26. Assume video is not important

Most SEOs focus too much on images and text that have nothing to do with the video content or have no perspective. The problem is that social media and technology are too far to popularize videos that can no longer be ignored.


In other words, assuming the video content is still unimportant, you are compromising your big ranking opportunities. Platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms should work to your advantage, giving you access to other audience capacities that weren't there before.


27. Ignoring audience feedback

Feedback is an indicator of your marketing efforts in SEO. You can't afford to overlook audience feedback. Regardless of whether your feedback is a complaint, a question, or a simple comment, it makes a lot of sense to reply.


First of all, it keeps a big part of SEO: engagement. Second, there is no room for speculation, especially if the feedback is negative. Remember that because Google values customer satisfaction, the way you feel will make your rankings.


28. Maintaining a poorly designed site

Web design is an element of technical SEO that most website owners don't consider. Consider your perspective on the user experience area. If people can't quickly navigate your site, find things, and read content comfortably, there's no reason to visit your site. Please fix this problem and correct the ranking position.


29. Excessive sharing of promotional messages

As the content is essential, sticking too much to your promotional message can lead to poor rankings. People don't want to feel cheated or pressured when they subscribe to the service and use their content. So your content is not only one-dimensional in driving your brand and your products and services.


30. Unclear call to action

What do you want your audience to do? To them. People much more trust and respect brands that know what their customers want. Let them know if they want to subscribe, buy, call, visit, order or anything else. Sometimes I don't do anything because I feel like I have nothing to do.



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