Basics of the Amazon A9 SEO algorithm

Competition on Amazon gets more intense as the market continues to grow. This means your product should stand out. If you want people to buy, you need to be in a higher position on Amazon's Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This is because only 30% of shoppers hit the first page. To do that, you need a great Amazon. The product list with the description A9 algorithm will be ranked.


Amazon Product Listing

A9 represents the set of rules that Amazon uses to rank products based on customer search. This product search algorithm is an efficient and iterative AI search method that reads, scans and analyzes all data on the Amazon marketplace.


The following know-how the A9 works, so you can increase conversions and sales.

Text Match Relevance

Relevance is at the top of the A9 ranking principle because Amazon strives to show its customers the best product search results. So, sellers need to optimize their listings using keywords as well as user intent. This means creating an Amazon product listing related to what your customers are looking for.


A9 learns from previous search patterns and automatically combines various relevant features to provide the best results to your customers. When product titles, descriptions, features, etc. match customer search patterns, Amazon product listings rank high on SERP.


Sales speed

Sales speed is next on the list of important A9 algorithmic elements. The sales rate is the number of dollars and transactions you collect in a particular month. Amazon compares sales rates with competitors using exactly the same customer search terms. The seller with the highest selling rate takes a higher ranking.


Click to Sell Rate (CTS)

This is the number of customers who click on an Amazon product listing in the search results and then continue to buy the product. This affects your SERP ranking because Amazon checks the speed of the sale. Competition doesn't matter as long as you generate more sales in the past month.

 Amazon Product Listing

Sales page content

This is where you need good keyword research and list copywriting. The way you enter your keywords in the product title, bullets, product description, and Amazon's special keywords section tells A9 what products you're selling so that they can be displayed to the right customers. If A9 has the right keywords to better match your product to customer search, it will generate more sales and increase your ranking.



Items must be kept in stock to get and keep the top batch. Amazon wants to make sure that its customers get what they want, so it must be in stock to show listings. Amazon also wants to make sure they're continuing to sell, so you need to be a seller who can ship.



A9 always makes sure the product price is right. This is a combination of the best prices on the Amazon marketplace and how well the listing is presented.


Additional, the indirect A9 ranking factor

The FBA program is a valuable resource for sellers to make things much easier. It also helps sellers rank higher because Amazon believes that their own fulfillment is superior to external fulfillment options. A9 helps you get referral seller status by taking into account the merchandise stored in Amazon's warehouse. It also gives you access to Amazon Prime customers and increases your chances of winning a buy box. This indirectly increases your ranking as you enjoy higher sales rates and conversions.


Advertising your product on Amazon can also help speed up sales. Indirectly, the rank goes up as above.

 Amazon Product Listing

How to get positive customer reviews

The A9 algorithm catches this and considers it as a sign that the customer is positively engaging with the product. You need to encourage it by creating amazing customer experiences. It is always available when asking questions through the Q&A section and messages of the product list.


Provides high-quality images of products for customers to see. They can't grab a product when shopping online, so you need a good shot from every angle to see what the product is like. Take bright, clear photos so your customers can use Amazon's zoom feature to see product details. Make your customers stay on the list longer, increasing the likelihood of conversions and rankings.


You can increase your sales by 5% with the A+ content feature. Amazon A+ content provides customers with a better view of their products, often resulting in lower return rates and higher customer satisfaction.


Promotions are another great way to speed up sales and increase conversions. Remember, offering discounts isn't a long-term strategy to boost your rankings. It only gives you a quick increase in sales. You can use it to get out of the slump, but if you want to get and maintain a high ranking, you'll need to use a more important and sustainable A9 strategy.

Create a listing of the winning Amazon products in 2020

Amazon product listings have four basic elements: title, image, features, description, keywords, and customer reviews. The key is to use these sections to guide your customers through a process that will help you decide whether or not your product is right for you.


Here's how to optimize each element of your Amazon merchandise listing in 2020.


Product title

Amazon allows you to create product titles that are 250 characters long for most categories. Titles are the most important factor in product rankings, so use this space as much as possible. But don't write anything to use 250 characters. You need to give your customers the information they need in this short space to decide if they want to continue viewing your product.


Amazon has specific requirements and optimization tips that you must follow to create a selected listing. That is, it should contain the most important information such as brand, the model number of the item, size, quantity, and color. Keywords are another very important part of the product title because it displays the list in your search.


Titles must be fully optimized for the list to appear in search. Amazon announced the following in mid-March 2019: List titles that do not comply. Their rules simply do not appear in the SERP.


Below are some of the specific Amazon guidelines for product titles.


  • Capitalize the first letter of all words except and'
  • If it is not part of the product brand name, use' and' rather than'&'.
  • Write numbers as numbers, not words
  • Spell units of measure without abbreviation
  • Do not include prices, promotions, symbols, seller information, or subjective descriptions.
  • Include information such as color and size only if it is directly relevant to distinguish the options.
  • If the product is a pack, include the number of items in the pack.

Do not include special characters

Always write product titles for non-A9 customers. You want to include key keywords and brand names in the title, but above all, it should help your customers understand your product.


Product image

Amazon Product Listing

Amazon provides space for lead product images and eight support images. Make sure they are all of the high quality and follow the instructions.


  • 1,000 pixels wide by 500 pixels high
  • The product must cover at least 85% of the image.
  • Use pure white background
  • View All Products
  • Show only items included in the product list
  • Do not include promotional text.
  • Include text in support images to help customers better understand your product.
  • Include Amazon ASIN in the image file name

In general, you should always think about your image in terms of helping customers make purchasing decisions. Don't choose images based on what you think is good.


For example, you need to show your product from different angles so that customers can see your product as a whole. It also shows the product in use and includes a photo of the product packaging. Use photos to show the size and size of your product so customers can get a better idea. This will reduce returns and negative feedback.


Product Features

There are 1,000 characters that can be used to describe key product features. Use it to show potential customers that your product is better than what your competitors sell. Focus on this and explain its use. Help your customers visualize how great it is to use your product.


Use the bullet points in the Features section to highlight the benefits your key product features provide to your customers. Don't make the bullets too long to make them easier to read. Don't use too many bullets. About 5 or so can keep your customers interested. Always prioritize your most important benefits and features.


Here are some other tips.


  • Each bullet starts with a capital letter.
  • Specific product features and attributes
  • Do not include price, shipping, or company information.
  • Use a consistent tone.
  • Product Information

Once the customer has written the product description, they are ready to get more information. It's your chance to show them why your product is better than what your competitors offer. The product description can also add details about your company.


2,000 characters can continue to describe what your product is and what it does for your customers. Use this space to elaborate on the benefits and features mentioned in the bullet. Use more keywords here to improve your ranking and sales. Keep sentences short and legible and don't paste them into massive blocks of text. Divide it into short paragraphs and use old text to highlight key information. You also need to do the following:


  1. Break down paragraphs and highlight key information using simple HTML
  2. Include keywords that aren't already in the title or backend keywords section
  3. Don't include the seller's name or website URL.
  4. Do not use promotional text
  5. The description should be short and concise.
  6. Touch product usage results
  7. Place keywords naturally to make your content readable.
  8. Write a product description from the customer's point of view. This will give you a product description that focuses on what your customers can relate to. 

If you list everything that makes your product great, it won't appeal to your customers' needs. They are more interested in what the product can do for them. In other words, it shows your customers the benefits they can get from using the product, such as the problems the product solves for them. This increases the likelihood that your customers will be excited about your product and will buy it.


It only takes a few seconds to get your customers' attention. Make your description scannable so you don't miss out on anything important. By subtly referring to upselling, you can show your customers other products that go well with those on that list.

 Amazon Product Listing

Keyword research

Amazon A9 is a unique algorithm. To increase your product ranking on SERP, you need to understand it and do keyword research depending on how it works. There are several A9 elements mentioned above, but the keywords you use are those that have a lot of control. Keywords are also a big part of listing relevance, the top A9 ranking factor.


Quality is always better than quantity. Filling in keywords or inserting as many keywords in your list as possible will often do more harm than good. If you're not sure which keyword works best, you should run a test. The best place to start is to think from the customer's point of view. Search for products for sale on Amazon. Check which item appears first. Compare to products and choose keywords that match.


Then you need to think about what your customers are interested in. A9 looks at all the searches people do on Amazon. That said, you know what topics are trending and what's more important to your customers. Use it to make your product relevant.


Browse the best-selling items in categories on the Amazon home page. This is the type of product your customers are most looking for and needing. Now you can target more specifically so that your customers are more willing to buy when they see your product.


Copy the top 10 to 20 popular items from the relevant category, the category you sell.  Click on some products and look at the titles and descriptions. This can give you good keyword ideas to experiment with. Then, you can investigate various variations of the long-tail keyword. This keyword range increases your chances of being shown in search results. Check the results and update the list at least monthly. This way you will always get the most relevant keywords on your list.

 Amazon Product Listing

Product review

It's very important because you show Amazon what your customers love. It's also the social proof your customers need to prove that your products are of high quality. Amazon loves it to keep their customers happy.


But getting product reviews isn't easy. New sellers and new products need special care to collect enough positive reviews to make a difference.


You should encourage customer product reviews wherever possible through messages and feedback requests. If you always focus on giving your customers the best shopping experience, you'll get positive reviews that decorate your product list.


It starts with providing only quality products. If you have great deals and great listings, but you still get neutral and negative reviews and feedback, take the time to make sure you follow Amazon's guidelines.  Similarly, if you leave negative product reviews as seller feedback, you can also ask Amazon to remove them.


We try to reach at least 500 good reviews for the list to be considered successful. This will help you generate a good amount of sales every day. If you have more than 400 reviews, your goal should be at least 4.3 stars overall.


In this case, Amazon product listings sell better than products with an average rating of 4.8 if they only have a few reviews.


If you get a lot of negative reviews, look for patterns. If you have a common complaint between customers, try our best to solve the problem. This is the best way to get better customer reviews for your listing.


Final thoughts

Now you know how to utilize the 9 key elements of your Amazon product listing. Understanding the Amazon A2 algorithm and applying these concepts can help you create successful Amazon product listings. Then you can build great relationships with your customers to show up in customer search and come back for more and recommend products.