The 12 Commandments of Digital Marketing Seo Strategy

seo strategy

1. Identify the'right' customers
2. Linking content and the'every step' of the buyer journey
3. Don't just focus on products and services
4. Looking away
5. Applying SEO to they'll' Content Strategy
6. Understanding Big Picture when analyzing advertising performance
7. Flexible response to changes in public preference
8. Maintain consistency after starting the campaign
9. Transformation into a growing leader for the company
10. Personalization of content
11. Try something new
12. Don't underestimate the backlink

1. Identify the'right' customers

Hubspot Marketer, Ari Plaut, suggests: “We need to know our customers well and be responsible. Schedule a monthly meeting to talk about your customers with your customer support team and sales team. The best content ideas you'll create come from customers.”


No matter how high your dad, friend or puppy may appreciate your service, it's useless if your customers are dissatisfied. All feedback comes from customers. Sometimes even a solution comes up.

2. Linking content and the'every step' of the buyer journey

As Hubspot Marketing Manager, Alex Girard, says: “When discussing the advertising strategy, the moment to gain enlightenment is when the content delivery fits the customer during the buyer's journey. The goal of trying the demo version to someone who has just recognized the brand makes no sense. It makes no sense to offer a blog post recommendation service to someone who is ready to buy it when they just recognize the brand.”


Your multi-step strategy shouldn't be the same for every customer. Each stage should be segmented and structured for customers who have entered a'sspecific' stage.


3. Don't just focus on products and services

Senior Manager of the Hubspot Blog Team, Karla Cook, advises: “You should refrain from writing only about products or services on your blog. People who haven't come near the buying stage yet can get bored. You need to invest time in understanding the interests of your target audience and develop content that matches what your brand can deliver to your customer interests. For example, if you have a company that sells coffee machines, that the company could create a series of content with the theme of'Morning Daily Improvement Project'.”


When ordering food for delivery, you want the'delicious food' made by the chef to be'safely delivered' by the courier. The same goes for customers. I hope that not only the product itself but also all the services related to it will appear in front of me in a harmonious way.


4. Looking away

Hubspot Marketer, Jeff Vocell, suggests: “You have to focus on pleasing customers. As a marketer, I understand how overwhelming the pressure to bring constant leads to the sales team every month. But that said, if you use a shortsighted strategy that arouses temporary interest and focuses on momentary traffic spikes, you won't be able to achieve long-term success. As a marketer, you need to focus on generating demand through useful customer-focused campaigns.”


What is easily obtained can easily get out of hand. On the other hand, the longer you spend enough time, the longer you can have. Not all elaborate towers will not collapse, but roughly constructed towers will quickly collapse.

seo strategy

5. Applying SEO to they'll' Content Strategy

Hubspot Content Optimization Specialist, AJ Beltis, says: “The best way to write a blog for long-term traffic growth is to choose a topic with an SEO strategy in mind. Using sites like Ahrefs and SEMRush, competitors can find out where to start searching to maximize their blog potential.”


Just as search engines evolve every day and every hour, your content and SEO strategy must change every day. Search engine top impressions aren't the lottery you're lucky enough to get. This is the fruit of meticulous and fierce SEO concerns.

6. Understanding Big Picture when analyzing advertising performance

Hubspot's CSM, Cathleen Smith, says: “The good approach to dealing with bad advertising is to understand Big Picture. What's the journey before someone sees the ad? In the case of Google Ads, someone searches for a keyword of your choice, sees an ad based on that keyword, clicks it if the ad works, and enters the landing page. Within that page, he will determine whether this page is relevant to the information he is looking for through the search keyword and whether the information on the page is easily understandable for me.


If your ads aren't performing well, you need to carefully check not only the message you want to convey, but also the search keyword, the message indicated by the keyword, and the landing page you will finally visit. In order to fix bad ads with these big pictures in mind, you need to consider all aspects of the campaign and find the areas that need optimization.


7. Flexible response to changes in public preference

As Kristen Baker, Contents Strategist at Hubspot, says: “The world of digital marketing is constantly changing. We need to constantly check our target audience and how they relate to digital marketing. For example, if your target group is Instagram users, instead of spending a lot of time and resources creating YouTube videos, you should focus on creating engaging Instagram stories. And it must always be able to catch changes in public preference.”


Have you ever experienced clothes that looked pretty yesterday and very ordinary this morning? Customers change. Very quickly. And we must always be ready for this change.


8. Maintain consistency after starting the campaign

As Brittany Geoffroy, Marketing Manager of Global Acquisition, at the Global Acquisitions Department, says, “When you run a campaign by integrating multiple channels, you can combine your creative design and the message you want to convey to make sure it is consistent across the campaign. There is a need.”


There may be a lot to show and say, but consumers may not. Decide on the message you want to convey, and focus on it.

9. Be a growing leader for your company

Hubspot Product Marketer Jeff Vocell says, “Markers need to seize great opportunities to become a growing leader. Historically, marketing has served to attract new leads and pass them over to the sales team. In today's world of demanding customer experience, marketers need to be able to grow through sales and service teams. Instead of thinking about how you can create new customers on your own, you should ask yourself and your colleagues what to do after handing over the lead to the sales team. We need to seize the opportunity as a marketer to promote such better growth.”


10. Content personalization

As Clint Fontanella, Junior Staff Writer at Hubspot, says: “Content needs to be able to reveal how our business differentiates from its competitors through personalization. That's how we create our own customer experience. 40% of all customers say they change brands because of the lack of online personalization.”


Not surprisingly, custom suits and custom shoes have a higher value than ready-to-wear. The same goes for the content. Content optimized for readers plays a key role in enhancing service and brand credibility.


11. Try something new

The Junior Staff Writer, Meredith Hart, suggests: “Whatever it is, if you can do better than you are now, you should try new things. This can be applied within the team and digital marketing as well. For example, if you think your engagement in marketing emails is low, you can increase your open rate with creative titles, or publish content on topics that interest potential customers. It's a small change, but you can get big results.”


seo strategy

12. Don't underestimate the backlink

Senior Staff Writer, Braden Becker, commented: “Markets are shifting their SEO from keyword-centric to topic-centric. In other words, the more you target keywords that belong to a similar topic, the more specialized you have on that topic.


However, professionalism and organic traffic do not happen all at once. In order for a topic to have a certain reputation, it needs a backlink. As you create content for each topic, you should share this content in different ways. Networking with people in your industry and how many other posts are connected to our content is related to the fast and robust performance of your content.

It's better to hit a blank paper, and the more backlinks, the better.


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