clear Video History

How to clear history de video from the watch. Recently you are dedicated to Wrist Watch, Section Facebook Movies, and Live Video. Now record the activities related to your account.

I'll explain it in the next paragraph. How to clear video history on your Watch on phones, tablets, and PCs. In addition to the detailed procedure to delete a single video from the list of videos played on Facebook, there are also instructions for clearing all the history of the videos you watched. We will also show you how to delete videos that you have previously added to the list of videos stored on your Watch.

How to clear video history from watch step by step

Before going into the heart of this tutorial and explaining how to clear video history on Watch, it is necessary to make the necessary prerequisites for the history operation of videos played on Facebook.

In fact, by accessing the section on the official application of the watch social network Facebook Android device y iPhone / iPad, the option is to see all the videos playing directly, regardless of the timeline time. However, in this section, as you know, there is no option to delete the video.

You need to access the section to remove the video from your play history on both your phone and tablet, as well as your PC. A social network where you can view all activity on your account, such as creating activity log content, posting comments, and actually duplicating videos.

In the registry in question, you can delete a single video from the history of videos you watched on Watch, and you can also delete the entire history from your PC only. Also, it would be helpful to know that deleted videos are also deleted from the section. Record clock.

However, the account activity log only lists all (or very little) watched videos, but there is no trace of videos that have only played for a few minutes.

This means that at the time of writing this guide, videos that have been started without continuing to watch will appear in the Play History section of the Facebook app, but they won't appear in the Play Logs section, so you can't delete them. Exercise.

In this case, the only solution is to finish viewing (or continue playing for almost the entire period) and then delete that movie from history.

How to clear the video history displayed on your watch

Procedure Clear the history of videos you watched on Watch It's quick and easy, both using the Facebook application for phones and tablets, or on your PC.

Either way, you just have to access the section. In your activity log account, see the full list of videos you've watched on Facebook and choose the option to delete the videos you're interested in.

On phones and tablets

To view and delete the history of videos played on your Watch, on phones, and tablets, the corresponding icon (a white "F" on a blue background ), log in to your account if you are not already logged in. Enter your data in the fields. Phone number or address Email y  Password Login by touching the button.

At this point, press the ☰ button (top right, if you have a device). Android, if you are using an iPhone/iPad in the bottom right corner ), choose an option. Open the Settings and Privacy menu and touch the item Configuration.

When a new screen appears, find the section About Your About Facebook and click on the option Activity Log, to view all recent activity on Facebook.

Now touch the item filters, and choose an option from the top left. In the new screen that displays categories, click on an item. Activities and other registered activities > View the history of videos watched on Facebook, including videos watched and videos played on Watch.

To delete a single video from the history, find the video and tap its icon. Choose the Three Dots option and the Uninstall menu appears.

On the other hand, if you intend to delete all records, we are sorry to inform you that it is impossible to do so through the Facebook application. The only solution is to delete all played videos manually or delete the history from your computer.


If you want to delete the history of videos you watched on Facebook Watch PC Made, you will be connected to the main page of popular social networks, and if you are not already logged in, log in to your account. Now click on the icon and select the name option you see near the arrow pointing down to open the Activity Log menu.

Touch the item on the new screen that appears. Choose an option from the other left sidebar. You can see the videos you watched, the history of videos played on Facebook, and all relevant data such as the movie title and playback date.

At this point, click the button to delete a single video from the history. Edit (the icon of Redondo ) Select the movie in question and choose an option. Uninstall from the context menu.

On the other hand, click on the option to delete all records. Delete watched video history, click the button at the top. Clear video history.

How to delete videos stored on your watch

Delete videos that your intent has saved on Facebook, which can be done by directly accessing the section. Wristwatches from famous social networks.

On phones and tablets

To see a list of videos stored on your Watch, launch the Facebook app on your phone /tablet, press the ☰ button, then tap an item on the new screen displayed. Watch the video.

Now the little one, select the item from the top right. Saved Videos From the suggested menu (view a list of all previously saved videos ).

Find the video you want to remove from the list of issues. Then tap the icon. Choose the three dots option to delete from saved videos.

Alternatively, you can also delete the videos stored on your Watch from the section. Saved items from your Facebook account.

To do this, press the ☰ button and choose an option. Touch the button on the new screen that appears in the saved item suggested menu. Show all, see the full list of content stored on Facebook.

When done, click on Options. Select All Articles Videos from the menu that opens, you can only see the saved videos. Tap the icon three dots Select an option for the movie you want to remove from the list. Delete from the saved item, Delete the video.


To delete a video you've previously added to the list, watch Saved Videos from Make PC, connect to your default Facebook page, log in to your account (if you're not already logged in), and tap on the item. On the left sidebar of the wristwatch

When the new screen appears, click on the option Saved Movies, and tap on the icon three dots to select the option related to the movie you are interested in. Remove Video from Saved Removes the video from the list of saved videos in the menu that opens.

You can delete videos stored on your watch by accessing the section on your phone and tablet as well as your PC. Saved item. To do this, go to the page. Find the Home / Home section in your Facebook account. Tap an item in the left sidebar of Explorer. Choose another option Saved Items.

Now select your voice via the Video drop-down menu, find the video you want to delete from All, Saved Videos, then click on the relevant icon. Three points. Finally, choose an option. Delete from Saved Items Click the button in the menu that appears on the screen. Ok, check your doctor and delete the video in question.