Better SEO

better SEO

Blogging, we do to gain and share knowledge with others. Most bloggers are willing to blog to share their knowledge. They don't aim to make money. When they do what is true, their hands will be filled with money. Some people make money while working full-time with blogging. I really salute them to them. Because they had to put in a lot of effort. Before posting your blog post, you should consider certain SEO specifics. Successful bloggers say you shouldn't keep up with other successful bloggers. Blog beginners should always use their own method. They are true in their statements. Any post or content you post on your blog is king. Google prioritizes your content using keywords as you provide it while you search.

It's a good idea to know how to create quality SEO friendly articles. Bloggers powered by on their blogs are very lucky because they have a lot of plugins for SEO. Users of other platforms like Blogger and Tumblr can find it difficult to have a better search engine optimization (SEO). I'd like to share some tips to help you have good and better SEO. This allows users to rank higher when they search for something on Google.

You've seen that I said Google is an example of a search engine because it's the only search engine used by most people around the world. Next, the credit goes to Bing. However, as far as my blog is concerned, I get a lot of visitors from Google. I've been able to see a few in Bing and other search engines. Google uses many techniques to rank blogs in search results. Results are more immediate and contain more results than other search engines.

Here are some things to check before posting an article on your blog: This actually improves search engine optimization.

  • Post title
  • Meta description
  • Readability
  • Word count
  • keyword
  • Post URL
  • category
  • Outbound link
  • Internal link
  • Image SEO

#1 post title:

Before posting a blog post, you must consider the post title as the first title. Your post title should be based on your keywords and be completely relevant to what you write. This is because when a user searches using a keyword if the article title contains that keyword, then the search engine can bring the article to the first page of the search results. Limit your SEO title or post title to 70 characters as search engines can only display the first 70 characters of the post title on the search results page. So it's a good idea to limit the article title to 70 characters. Post title limit of 70 characters

#2 meta explanation:

Most people ignore this, but the meta explanation for SEO is high. Meta description is a way to briefly describe the content in search results. A post's meta description is limited to 156 characters on the search results page. Apart from that, search engines do not display meta description text. While writing the meta description, we hope that the meta description will also include keywords for articles and titles.

#3 readability:

Make sure you always write an article that can be read by all ages. The use of complex English words in an article does not mean that the article is of high quality. Everyone should be able to read the content. The use of simple English always works better for all ages. Group paragraphs correctly. You may have to express a lot of things through your blog, but if people write a large article, you may wonder that they will read the entire article. Of course, some may not. It should be possible for people to go through the article and get an idea for the article if it is large. It's a good idea to bold and italicizes important words to get an idea of your content.

#4 number of words:

The minimum number of words in an article is 300 words. This is a prerequisite for better SEO. However, you can create an article with at least 500 words to get the most out of your keywords.

#5 keywords:

Make sure that most of your articles contain keywords. To increase the keyword density of your article, display the article's keywords in the most places possible.

#6 Post URL or Slug:

The URL of the post must be a keyword-based. Make the slug or post URL smaller than the post title. Shorter slug or post URLs increase your ranking in search results.

Category #7:

As you know, you can have a big dilemma between tags and categories. I have already made a post about this. Categories or tags that have more impact on SEO? We recommend reading this article.

#8 outbound link:

We recommend providing the Dofollow outbound link in the article. However, all outbound links you always provide must be trusted links. Provide a link to the correct keyword. When people search for related items, assuming that the article is related to the site to which they are linked, your blog may appear in search engines. If the link is unreliable, rel =”?? You can use “no follow”??. Anchor tag attributes. If your post is a guest post, guest bloggers always expect a do-follow link that gives you credit. Do not add rel =”nofollow”?? to the guest post attribute.

#9 internal link:

The best way to reduce bounce rates is through internal links. It is very necessary for search engine optimization. You need to link your own content.

#10 Image SEO:

Some of my friends who are bloggers receive traffic from Google search, but I don't see any image traffic on my blog. I later studied about this when they reported to me. You should have at least one image for SEO. Not only will this help you get better SEO, but your article will look neat and attractive. The best part is that it makes the image unique from others. We recommend creating your own image in your blog post. Apply watermarks to the images you create so you can take photos anywhere.

Basically, if you insert an image into your blog post, it's a good idea to put it in a place with keyword-rich paragraphs around the image. Image titles are mandatory and alternative text is recommended. Give the image a title like iPhone-5-model-blogname.jpg. The alt text should contain the relevant keywords, it should relate to the paragraph around the image and it should relate to the image. Please provide a brief description of the image. If the description is too long, search engines can push down your blog.

Now it's time to improve your blog in SEO on your blog and publish your blog on the first page of search results. Share your thoughts below.