How to improve your Steam download speed:

improve Steam download speed

If you find out that Steam takes too long to download games on the platform, Creative Stop, we suggest some tips overcome this frustration. Provided in this topic.

Signal quality de contracting with an internet service provider is one of the main reasons it takes so long to download games. However, there are other factors that can prevent this from happening. Here are some recommendations to make the download process easier.

Download bandwidth from Steam

This factor can slow down the download speed of games and updates. Steam may have a bandwidth limit, so get rid of the limit to download bandwidth on this platform. Otherwise, Steam will only have access to a small percentage of the contracted speed. You can install this limit fix game faster by following the steps below.

Hot steam.

Click the "Steam" button. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu at the top of the navigation bar.

Search and Gorda "Download"

Select "Download Limit" and click "Bandwidth Limit" in the menu that appears. Remove the limit.

Click OK to confirm the action and restart Steam.

Download cache memory from Steam

This is another factor that can have an effect. Slow download. So it is also good to remove. To do this, you need to follow these instructions.

Open Steam.

Click on the "Steam" tab in the navigation bar at the top.

Select the "Settings" tab from the drop-down menu.

"Download " among the available options.

Click "Clear Download Cache". You'll see this option near the bottom of the tab.

When prompted to continue, click OK and delete the Steam Temporary Files from the cache.

Finally, Steam will restart. Log in again and download to check the speed.

Steam server download area

Modifying this factor will also affect the download speed of games on Steam. There are thousands of servers around the world on this platform. This allows Steam to give you a higher level of quality downloads. The key is to relate to your current location and surrounding area. To change, please follow the instructions below.

Open Steam.

Select the "Steam" tab in the top navigation bar. Homepage.

Select the "Settings" tab from the drop-down menu.

Search and display downloads within the configuration.

Find the "Download Area" field and close to your current location in the menu that will be displayed on other servers.

Once you have selected the new server, click OK at the bottom of the page and restart the download.

Close applications that use the Internet

In general, slow download speeds on Steam are rarely caused by this application. The most common is that they cause external factors that are taking away valuable bandwidth. So you need to check this possibility. Look for background applications that use a lot of the internet. Windows Update, Torrent client, select gaming platforms, Netflix or música. This can slow down your Steam download. Close the app while Steam is updating and restart when done.

Router cable connection

Ensuring that the internet speed is improved is the internet via the router connecting cable. Wireless connection is not the most efficient way to connect to the Internet, especially if you are looking for the fastest speed. Wireless connections have to bypass other connections due to internet bandwidth. Avoid physical factors like a wall when providing connectivity to your device.

This means that you need to connect it via cable to speed up your download. Simply connect the ethernet to your computer via a router. This solution can exceed twice the speed.

VPN off

We recommend disabling it if you have any VPN services running in the background. This could be one of the reasons for the slow download speed. It's true that a VPN doesn't have to slow down your computer, but another hurdle internet service should be bypassed when downloading from Steam.

All gaming platforms have a lot of annoying issues and bugs that can affect your fluency when you're ready to play. That's why we recommend searching the Internet for possible solutions depending on the problem you are experiencing. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. You can enjoy the game starting today. Steam at full speed. And if there is a problem, Parada Creativa will solve it.