How to see who is sharing your post on Instagram step by step

How to see who shares your posts on Instagram

How to see who shares your posts on Instagram. My favorite social network is Instagram and therefore posts a large amount of multimedia content every day, hoping to become a true influencer.

In this sense, you have recently noticed an increase in followers after your publication was published. Perhaps some people have shared it and you'll want to know the name. There may be some famous among them.


Wondering how to see who shares my posts on Instagram? In this case, first, you need to let us know that you can do it by following the instructions that this guide will provide.


However, on Instagram, you can't know the name of the person who shared your publication, only the number of people who shared it.

How to see who is sharing your post on Instagram step by step

Important information

Before explaining, how do I know who shares my posts on Instagram, I need to tell you some information regarding this possibility.


First, you need to know that, as already mentioned, you cannot find the exact names of the people who share the posts you have posted on famous photo social networks.


But what you can tell is the number of people you share using the feature. Shows the number of posts posted on Instagram phone statistics. food.


That said, to do this, you need to switch to a professional Instagram account ( creator o company ). You can revert this for free at any time and you can only do it through the application. For Instagram, Android, and iOS.


The benefits of this step and the possibility of accessing the tools, the Instagram where you can get information about the progress of your account, is provided by the possibility to promote your publication for a fee.

The steps you need to follow to switch to an expert account are very simple and optionally account linking. On Instagram Facebook page.


Switch to an expert account

Log in to your account to get started. For Instagram, Android or iOS, pe rail, and hit icon in the top right corner. Now tap an item in the menu that appears. Click on the configuration article Account.


Then choose whether to create an account that converts the item into a touch expert account. Creator (ideal for accredited, content creators, artists, and influencers) or account company (more suitable for retailers, local businesses, brands, organizers, or service providers).

To continue both cases, press the button and then the o confirmation, type the following all the necessary information. Contact, Profile, and Category It represents you most video makers ).


Also, optionally connect to the Facebook page, to complete the task.

Once done, you can access the tool. For stats Instagram accounts, follow the instructions I'm trying to tell you in the next line to see how many people share your post.


How to use Instagram statistics

You have now provided all the preliminary information you need to get additional information about who is sharing the publication you are posting. Let's see how in detail through Instagram social network applications for Android and iOS.


To get started, log into your account (if you are not already logged in) and find the publication you are interested in the profile icon. Then tap on it and tap on the item See Stats.

Now in the new screen that appears, the Airplane Emblem, which shares the publication you have posted, shows the number of senders as private messages to other users on the social network.


As already mentioned, unfortunately, the name of the person who shared the content is unknown, only the number of people who shared it. After switching to a professional Instagram account, you can only repeat the action for posts posted.


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