Create videos and get more traffic to your website

Create videos and get more traffic to your website

Blog posts are usually text-based posts; either one infographic or a video. Most bloggers provide text-based posts to their readers and visitors. It's always suitable for search engine optimization (SEO), but creating videos and photos increases your traffic significantly. In general, it is not a crime to include someone else's public YouTube video or photo on your website. Owners may have a trademark or logo watermark on their videos or photos. The internet is more open and connected, so you can share other people's stuff on your blog as well. This facilitates production and avoids copyright crimes that arise when copying text-based articles.

The video you need is personal. This affects the article even more. Not only make a video but place a link to a related article that explains the video. Those who want to read can click on it. Always YouTube videos become popular faster. Even if you upload awkward videos or videos that you can't see, it will generate more traffic than the worst articles on the site.

Promote your site or blog in a video. No matter what video you upload, make sure your site logo is always displayed and the site link is displayed when users click on the logo. That's what you can use in VEVO's uploaded videos. It will make your video more professional.

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Change the background of the video. This means that whenever a visitor views your video, an image will appear on the back of the video player. Selecting the option of your channel design YouTube account will help you add these photos. Also, add a 640 x 70 px banner image at the bottom of the photo. Connect the banner to your site.

Make a video every time you write an article and upload it to YouTube. This not only brings more traffic to your blog but also makes the tutorial clearer. The reader performs exactly as taught in the article.

On YouTube, you can add notes and links between videos. Make the most of its features. When teaching about advanced features that beginners cannot understand, explain the technical terminology with notes and links to understand it more clearly.

There is always a welcome message and an ending message. Include what you want to appear in the video as a welcome message. Always don't end your video blindly when you end it. Mark what you have taught and a message such as "Thank you. Subscribe to receive more tutorials by email." This is suitable for YouTube videos. Many users ignore the end message, but if you liked the video, subscribe to the video channel, click the videos like button, comment or share the video. YouTube videos are the most shared. If people like my videos, social site enthusiasts surely share videos with their friends. If you've created a funny or useful video, you can share the video on your Facebook fan page to get more traffic to your YouTube channel. Keep links to descriptions within videos and banner ads.

Videos blog many visitors. People don't recognize your site. Videos can promote your site well all over the world. If you are teaching about software, do not provide a direct download link in the description area. Provide links to related articles on your website and place a download button on the article. Please let us know that you have provided a download link for downloading specific software or music or anything from the video.

If you make a video for your blog article more traffic. Don't always give up just because your blog has no traffic. Create videos and drive more traffic to your blog. Best for CryptLife blogging.

Don't underestimate the power of YouTube. It is stronger than expected. Remember it's from Google.


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